Experimental Papers

Title Laboratory Laser Energy [J] Laser Power [TW] Electron Energy [MeV] Electron Energy Spread [%] Electron Charge [pC] Electron Divergence [mrad] Gas Target Gas type
Quasi-monoenergetic laser-plasma acceleration of electrons to 2 GeV UTexas 100.000 625.0 2000 10.00 63.00 0.60 Gas Cell Helium
Petawatt Laser Guiding and Electron Beam Acceleration to 8 GeV in a Laser-Heated Capillary Discharge Waveguide LBNL 31.000 850.0 7800 5.00 0.20 Capillary Hydrogen
Enhancement of Electron Energy to the Multi-GeV Regime by a Dual-Stage Laser-Wakefield Accelerator Pumped by Petawatt Laser Pulses APRI-GIST 30.000 1000.0 3000 50.00 80.00 4.00 Gas Jet + Gas Jet He + He
Multi-GeV Electron Beams from Capillary-Discharge-Guided Subpetawatt Laser Pulses in the Self-Trapping Regime LBNL 16.000 400.0 4200 6.00 6.00 0.30 Capillary Hydrogen
Demonstration of a Narrow Energy Spread, ∼ 0.5     GeV Electron Beam from a Two-Stage Laser Wakefield Accelerator LLNL 12.000 200.0 460 5.00 35.00 2.30 Gas Cell Mixture
Near-GeV Acceleration of Electrons by a Nonlinear Plasma Wave Driven by a Self-Guided Laser Pulse CLF 11.000 200.0 800 90.00 3.60 Gas Jet Helium
Self-Guided Laser Wakefield Acceleration beyond 1 GeV Using Ionization-Induced Injection LLNL 6.600 110.0 1450 3.80 4.40 Gas Cell Mixture
High-Brightness High-Energy Electron Beams from a Laser Wakefield Accelerator via Energy Chirp Control SKL-HFLP 4.000 120.0 600 0.40 80.00 0.20 Gas Jet + Gas Jet He
Demonstration of self-truncated ionization injection for GeV electron beams KLLP (MOE) 3.500 118.0 1200 7.00 16.00 4.70 Gas Jet He + N
Demonstration of a beam loaded nanocoulomb-class laser wakefield accelerator Helmholtz-Dresden 2.500 83.0 250 14.00 240.00 7.00 Gas Jet Mixture
Multistage coupling of independent laser-plasma accelerators LBNL 1.750 40.0 280 1.20 Gas Jet + Capillary Mixture + H
Stable generation of GeV-class electron beams from self-guided laser–plasma channels APRI-GIST 1.700 50.0 540 10.00 20.00 4.40 Gas Jet Helium
GeV electron beams from a centimetre-scale accelerator LBNL 1.500 40.0 1000 2.50 30.00 1.60 Capillary Hydrogen
Tunable laser plasma accelerator based on longitudinal density tailoring LBNL 1.400 40.0 400 1.80 1.00 1.40 Gas Jet + Capillary He + H
Laser-Wakefield Acceleration of Monoenergetic Electron Beams in the First Plasma-Wave Period LLC 1.200 35.0 200 25.00 Gas Jet
A laser–plasma accelerator producing monoenergetic electron beams LOA 1.000 33.3 170 24.00 500.00 10.00 Gas Jet Helium
Controlled injection and acceleration of electrons in plasma wakefields by colliding laser pulses LOA 0.970 32.3 117 11.00 19.00 5.80 Gas Jet Helium
GeV-scale electron acceleration in a gas-filled capillary discharge waveguide MPI-Garching 0.750 18.0 500 20.00 45.00 1.00 Capillary Hydrogen
Generation of Quasimonoenergetic Electron Bunches with 80-fs Laser Pulses JETI 0.600 7.5 47 8.50 0.32 10.00 Gas Jet Helium
High-quality electron beams from a laser wakefield accelerator using plasma-channel guiding LBNL 0.500 9.0 150 2.00 480.00 1.00 Gas Jet Hydrogen
Injection and Trapping of Tunnel-Ionized Electrons into Laser-Produced Wakes UCLA 0.500 11.0 92 60.00 10.00 3.00 Gas Jet Mixture
Monoenergetic beams of relativistic electrons from intense laser–plasma interactions CLF 0.500 12.5 80 3.00 22.00 Gas Jet Helium
Demonstration of quasi-monoenergetic electron-beam generation in laser-driven plasma acceleration AIST 0.100 2.0 7 20.00 0.00 21.00 Gas Jet Nitrogen
MeV electron acceleration at 1 kHz with <10 mJ laser pulses UMaryland 0.012 0.4 2 1.00 150.00 Gas Jet Helium
Relativistic electron beams driven by kHz single-cycle light pulses LOA 0.002 0.6 5 60.00 1.00 45.00 Capillary Nitrogen